Genealogy of Wiltshire Surnames

GEDCOM files are downloaded from the IGI (International Genealogy Index) maintained by the Mormon Family Search organisation.

These files are a list of birth, marriages and deaths obtained from the Wiltshire Records Office, and each one is individual, not linked to a family. For example, you may have a birth registered, and this would state the father, mother and the child. If that same couple had another child, that entry would be an individual record too. So there would be the parents listed twice. The trick here is to find all the children and merge them into one family group. This is often easier to look for the town and date in the first record and then scan for those parents in that town, in that period.

You will need a genealogy program to operate a GEDCOM file. On a MAC REUNION is an excellent program. Family Tree Maker works on a PC. There are many others, some even free of charge.

Surnames of CASWELL, TITT, BUCKERIDGE, WALLIS, and a few others can be found in the file at This is a large file of over 100,000 names, mostly linked.

We also have several SEARCHEABLE family trees with linked names here –

Abraham Eden LeaScottWorrell
AdamsEdmondsLineyShepherd Wright
AlderEdwards LittleSilverthorn Yates
AlexanderEmbling LongSinger York
Allen Feltham LovedayPyke Young
Alley Ferris Lovelock RawlingsZillwood
Allison Finamore Lush Reason
Applegate Fivash Lywood Redman
A Royal Tree FiveashMacklin Ring
AyresFlemingMaundrell Robey
Banger Flower Wilts MaundrellJMBtree Rolfe
BatheFlower Merchant Somerset Rose
BendreyFowle Merchant Wilts Rudman
Bishop Frampton Merrett Rumsey
Black Garlick Messiter Salt
Blackman Gay Miles Salter
Blackmore Gibbs Millsom Sanger
BlakeGifford Moody Savin
Boulter Glass MortimerScott
Browning Goddard MRG_OramShepherd
BrunsdenGodwin MundaySinger
Bryant Godwin WillGLok NealeSkull
BullGoodman NeateSkull
Burbidge Grubb Newth Smith
Burden Haddrell Northover Snook
BushellHadrill OdyStanley
ButcherHancock OramStevens
Caddell Harrell Oram2Stillman
Cannings Harris Osland Strange
Carp Hart Painter Stratford
CarpenterHartman Pearce Sumbler
Carp Wilts IGI Hatt PhelpsSwanborough
CarterHavrfeld Pheltam Targett
Caudry Herring Pickney Taylor
Chapman HighettPike Thomas
Chilcot Hill IlesPike (cleaned up file) Throckmorton
Chilfester Hill Pile Timbrell
Chislett HillierPinnel Townsend
CleverlyHintonPithouse Tuck
Coleman HollowayPocock Tyler
Coles Holm HumePolhill Uzzell
Collier Horton CalnePonting Veltham
Collins HullPorter Vicars
CoombsHuntPorter Vines
Cork Hutton Priddy Vivash
Cork Wilts Glos JacksonPyke Waite
CoudryJacques Rawlings Walker
CoxJeffries Reason Wallis Whale
CraslerJenner Redman Webb
Croker Jerome Ring Weeks Wick
Daniels Jones Robey Weeks
DawJordan Rolfe Weston
DawsJowles Rose Wheatley
Day Judd Rudman White
Doyley Keates Rumsey Whiteadd
Duck1 Kerswell Salt Whitemarsh
Duck2Kibblewight Salter Williams
DudmanKnight Sanger Willis
DykeLanfear Savin Woodman
EastmanLawson Scaplehorn Wootton